Caen , the 4th of november ,2014
To the King of Morocco ;
With your arrival to power following the death of the tyrant Hassan II your father , everyone had believed in better days: The End of Tyranny, for dignity, fairness and justice, yet you have given a good impression especially at the beginning with the » Equity and Reconciliation instance ERI « , but the habit of the family, your Mafia family must say, with his arrogance, selfishness, lack of patriotic visions, excessive predation, its tendency to consider Morocco as his farm and Moroccans its herds of cattle that inherits with his harem and his seraglio, and woe to those who dare to revolt rebel, his tendency to dominate to dominate by using tricks and most Machiavellian schemes including and especially those which keep the people in ignorance, illiteracy, in view to maintain at all costs, not through good governance and a more symbolic and ceremonial status as is the case in England or Spain but in your Kingdom the poeple the people remain blind and deaf by fear and oppression: Natural cast, he returned to Gallo: that your stated desire for change is a chimera, a hint and a subterfuge used to the deceive populace and abroad, you are an impostor who wields carrot and stick as his late father « the little father of the people both feared and revered .the makhzan retrograde calls it » al Hiba » , « al hiba Ya 7aggara » Enough ! Kifaya !
But do not worry too much, you still have a little time before you, but not for long, if you keep your disastrous policy of class, get sur in your crouned head that you will be the last of this family’s Alawite list that appropriates » al bilad wal 3ibad » both the country and poeple .
Freedom for all our kids prisoners of conscience embastillés: those of February 20, the brave son of the people, Islamists ,leftist and communists
The Patriots are in prisons and jails and traitors are in control, force-fed to satiety, but like the pigs never satiate .You are yet paid dearly (300 billion a year more than all Kings in the world especialy more than all advanced europeen Kingdom ) for poor performance, you , your family and your friends, your government your MPs are in opulence to swallow night and day without shame, while the people next to you who struggle and suffer and finaly it is he who must pay your disastrous policy, your mismanagement and your Orgy. : Enough , Kifaya ! Assez !
People want the schools and universities qualities as those reserved for your primogeniture « darling. » UHC hospitals in each major region, maternity especially in remote villages, electricity and water for all with an affordable price , roads, bridges and tunnels including in the capital a tunnel under the Bouregreg river to relieve the bridge, museums, theaters, schools of fine-art, cleanliness, dignity, equality of opportunity, independence of the judiciary, not the two-tier justice, « no 3afa Allah 3a ma salaf « it is necessary that all those involved in occult corruption must be judged and faces to impartial tribunals and that goes to trial on TV for the example, and deterrence requires that the state get tough » heads will fell against the corrupt, especially white-collar workers and the officers that way they make examples .enough !
we must stop harassing, clubbing and imprison our youth, the future of the country, which often Makhzan persists against that which carries the Fatherland in his heart, which is conscious of its Duty and aspires to regain its rights, you must repairs the injustices and serious human rights abuses past, present and those that could reproduce in the future, that those responsible for its attacks on the judge, from the officers until the performers dirty work . and finally , the last but not least we must separate religion from politics must trust the common sense of our value system inherited from values of Islam which is the EQUAL JUSTICE by incorporating the FREEDOM including freedom of conscience and religion as an inalienable right and principle of the futur constitution
it’s enough .it need action now .close finally yours political prisons and open instead schools near schoolchildren. mosques there has too much , enough of drugs.., we need schools, progressive and humanistic programs which we learn the true history, languages, arts, mathematics (in French or english as for your sons) physical (in the language of sciences french or English as for your beloved, Arabic poetry, french, Anglo-Saxon, Chinese, Japanese … .it must ban this writing called Amazigh ugly coarse as invented by a Carterons bastards is an affront to the unity of our people, even the Turkish people did not even own writing and the great Persian people is not ashamed to convey its Persian language with Arabic letters such as Pakistan for a specific purpose sow divisions » achiqaq wannifaq la3anahoumo Allah. »
تخففوا تلحقوا ، فإنما يُنْتظرُ بأوّلِكم آخركم .
الإمام علي كرم الله وجهه
Freedom for ALL Political Prisoners FREEDOM FOR the country and poeple .
Zine Al abidine BENSRHIR Him ‘Hizbullah in Islamic Maghreb )
informal adviser in the interest of the people and of the country.